i find myself interested in the different types of blog hosts available to the would-be blogger. i also find myself trying to figure out the various processes that occur within that drive bloggers to blogspot as opposed to tumblr, or tumblr as opposed to wordpress, etc. Personally, i like tumblr, but it is way too busy for my diarrhea of the mouth (pen, actually. or in this case, keys). i dislike wordpress because of its name. Yes, that is silly. Mostly, i just chose blogspot because Google is best. And because you need not ask its purpose since its name is self-explanatory.
i don't understand at all more than half the things that go on in my mind, and i understand the rest of the things that go on in my mind less than half as much as i'd like.
i wish sometimes, and perhaps most times when i'm submitting my random thoughts to this blog, that i knew what you, the reader, think when you read what i have to write. i like very much to think, but i can pretty safely say, or at least with moderate safety, that to cause others to think is ever so much more intrinsically fulfilling. To me.
Now, let's say you are the type of person who only reads this blog when the posts don't require you to scroll down. You probably won't get this far. And that saddens me, because only those willing to scroll down will see that i wish so very much that you would take the time to read even the boring, longish posts. In reality they aren't too terribly long. Perhaps someone who scrolls down is a friend of yours and they will pass along this message from me.
For those of you who read at least with some care the majority of the things i post, a great deal of gratitude is always extended toward you. But i must entreat you to not just read this. i must entreat you to not just read this. As with anything you read, you must always look for truth. Truth can be found in very deceitful places. Truth can be found amongst liars and thieves. Truth can be found in darkness. Truth can be found anywhere, really. If someone says "There is no truth," they have given you a clue that to deny Truth is to create your own version of it, a version which is always striving to get back to the Truth, but refusing to come to grips with the fact that It must have originated before there was origin.
Here is a Truth that has changed the whole world forever. It is a Truth that flourishes during persecution of those who believe it, and it is a Truth that exists whether or not you believe it. It is this: Jesus died for the sin of humanity, but He is not dead anymore. He is not dead anymore. This is not religion, for religion is simply man's attempt to explain the unexplainable, or to describe the indescribable. No, this Truth is an event in history. Christianity was not built on the teachings of Jesus or on His perfection or on anything else but that event: The Resurrection. We as Christians don't place our faith in religion or doctrine or rituals or moralistic living; we place our faith in a Man who did, in history, what no one else could have done or will ever be able to do. He died and then He defeated death. That is profound and beyond explanation, but it is Truth.
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