To guard against a narrow-minded view of humanity, of the way things are--indeed, of reality itself--is to open up a world which you never knew existed. Perhaps one which you didn't wish to exist. Certainly one which is much too deep to be explained away by political rhetoric, blogs, or opinions. No, that will not do. There is Truth that lies beneath the hurt and pain, the joys and triumphs. There are hardly ever easy answers, but there are answers. Sometimes the answers seem to be more difficult than the questions themselves. To take at face value the unending information that inundates our eyes and then our minds each day is to make a mistake that is not easily mended. For information--data--is useless on its own. Even when we convert the 1's and 0's of information into knowledge, it still does not create a state of mind that is worth living in. No, we must drink the world in, its sights and sounds and smells and information. We must take all of it and strive to go beyond knowledge, beyond the high-school romance view that we have of God and His universe. It must be deeper. It requires intimacy. It demands brokenness. Why? Because we answer to no one here. Not even ourselves. It is only to the Almighty Creator, to the God who would die for you, and for me, to the Giver of life and the very breath of all things that we must answer to. He as paid a price no one else is able to pay. He has called all. There are those who have yet to accept, to simply believe, in the promise He made good on the cross. There is nothing stopping you. There are those who have believed and yet made a mockery of His name, of His sacrifice. Jesus offers forgiveness.
If we all could see the world the way Jesus sees it, revolution would occur.
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