There is in Mexico City a spirit of revolution that i have never felt in my life before. The air is thick with the smell of rebellion and change. It cuts through the smog of the city like a sword, and leaves in its wake the fragrance of a mighty King. I saw it in the eyes of the Cali 6--guys who came down to the city with a common vision of living life among all kinds of Mexican people in the same way that Jesus would have. A life of genuine relationship and devotion to the interests of others. I saw this spirit in the eyes of my friends Abram and Daniela--students at a university with 300,000 others. They want nothing more than to see their campus transformed into a living, breathing vessel of Christ-followers who will change the entire world. I saw it in the eyes of those who had never heard of such an idea so radical as the one we proposed to them. An idea that the God of the universe--indeed, the God who created the universe--would love each one of them (personally) enough to leave His home in heaven to die in their stead. An idea that life goes beyond intellect and touches each social and spiritual part of our lives. An idea that God offers life itself so abundant that each day begins with a definite purpose that crosses cultures with a cross that is the one and only symbol of Grace. Most importantly, an idea that God offers that life as a free gift for everyone.
i so wish that i could feel that same revolutionary spirit here. What if we all just got on our knees and were just prayer warriors for the campus we live on; for this city; for this country? What if we were intentional about spreading love to people here in our actions and words? What if we got out of our stupid bubbles of "christiandom" and were willing to be vulnerable with people who are different than us? What if we celebrated our weaknesses so that God's power could be made perfect in us? He promises that He will arrive in powerful ways.
"Let us acknowledge the Lord;
let us press on to acknowledge Him.
As surely as the sun rises,
He will appear;
He will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."
-Hosea 6:3
It hardly ever rains in Mexico City during this time of the year, but we witnessed a spectacular thunderstorm on Thursday night. Maybe, just maybe, God was trying to tell us that He has heard the cries uttered on behalf of la Ciudad de Mexico and is raining His Spirit down upon it. Maybe you'd like to be a part of that. i know i do. History is being made, and what could be better than being part of a revolution that God started? It stands no chance of failure, though the enemy will try his hardest to put down the insurgents. The God of Light longs to redeem these Mexican people, and they are longing for a Savior.
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