
"Why were we created? Was it that we deserved to be created? How can nothing deserve something? There was a time when there was no human race. How therefore could a human race that hadn't existed deserve something? How could a man that wasn't yet created earn anything or pile up any merit? It couldn't be so. God out of His goodness created us. Why were we not destroyed when we sinned? The only answer is that God of His goodness spared us. The cordial, kind-intentioned God spared us.
Why would God the Eternal Son bleed for us? The answer is, out of His goodness and lovingkindness. 'Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings' (Psalm 36:7). Why would God forgive me when I've sinned and then forgive me again and again? Because God out of His goodness acts according to that goodness and does what His loving heart dictates that He do."

That last question is one that we all would do well to ask of ourselves daily. Why would God forgive me when I've sinned and then forgive me again and again? The goodness of God is infinite and perfect. It has no beginning and no end, no height and no depth. It touches every atom in His vast universe and comes to rest in the hearts of men who allow it. Do you realize the implications of that? Do you understand how much that can impact a life? Yet it goes much deeper. In His goodness, it follows that God would be just and righteous. It follows that He has plans for us. What I'm saying is this: to realize (as much as our earthly minds can) the idea of God's goodness, there is a required reverence that believes in the miracle of His love and the necessity of His wrath. They are both equally perfect and eternal. To be less loving or less just would cause a forfeiture of His deity.

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