i think that an update is due in regard to my summer reading list: i am roughly 18% done with the seventh and final Harry Potter book. Stellar books, they are.
In other, bigger news, a gorilla was very nearly successful in his attempt to escape from the North Carolina zoo. Now, i have seen that same gorilla a number of times throughout my years in this great state (i mean to say not that i've seen him wandering about, but rather that i have visited his unnatural habit on several occasions), and i must say that i felt quite proud of Gordy. i don't know if that's his name, but it seems fitting to me as i write this. In all seriousness though, who could really be upset or angry with Gordy over his desire to get out? i think any animal would have done the same thing if the opportunity presented itself. If you get a chance to look at the video of his attempt, i would encourage you to do so, for it seems that for a moment he could have just hoisted himself over the barrier and entered into a whole new world. Not Aladdin, just a figure of speech. i should like to give you my thoughts as to what his thoughts were at that pivotal moment:
"Okay, so i've come this far--what, with carrying that stupid log over here and propping it up against the wall, then climbing that precarious thing--and yeah, i could just pull myself over, but that baby in the stroller doesn't look a whole lot better than i did when i was a little tyke, so i see no real benefits in the beauty department. And i just don't know if i could stand being stared at all the time. i really have no idea how humans function, because it seems to me all they know how to do is stare. And Darwin's idea of 'fit' must have been incredibly different than mine, because they are, as a rule, fat. And this business of botching up an ocean with oil holds no comfort. No, i think i will stay here, for here at least i am guaranteed a square meal a day, and here i have no predators. And above all, i have a feeling that i would cease to be such an attraction after a few days in their world, for they are always wanting something they can control and only benefit from without giving to. Yes, the zoo is where i belong."
Inevitably some will tell me that gorillas lack the cognitive ability to think such things. Listen carefully: i. know.
The point is that we as humans, although loved by God above everything else He created, still stand to learn some valuable lessons from the animal kingdom. Of course i don't know what was happening inside that Gorilla, but it seems to me as if there was a choice to be made between the "free world" and his prison of a habitat, and he didn't chose "freedom." Maybe i'm just weird. i mean, i am weird. But that's what i thought when i saw Gordy.
and on a completely unrelated and yet merited note, i have got to say that the woman in the picture above makes me a much better man than i would otherwise be. She is quite literally a Godsend.